Tuesday, December 8, 2015

class and Job helping

Its fun when one of your classes is all about Harry Potter. I do get some odd looks and questions about it, but I'm us it. Anyway, Its a really fun class when you get to watch movies for class and just talk about the Harry Potter world.

Its a fun school I go to, Skyvalle in Washington state. If there's anyone Who need a Fursuter to push your work or anything. I will love to help, even through I'm a furry, but i would love to help anyone with that. If you wan to know more, please do ask me about that.

I just lost my job and I need some money and I would like to help anyone with that. I'm a Youtuber, so I can help with that, by showing what ever anyone will do.So if anyone needs a Youtuber to do that for you I will!

                                   I'm a good Furry so please do ask!

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