Monday, December 28, 2015

Do you Ever feel.....

Do you have that week, day, hour, year, where you just feel like everything is standing in your way? Do you ever feel like, no matter what you do, your life still sucks? Or how its going good then something happens that make your little happy bout go away?

That's most of that time with me. I don't know what to do or how to do it. I can just see how that day should be in my head, but when that day comes..... It's not as i hope it to be. That's life people tell me. If you want it to happen one way, it will the other way. Why?

No one knows why. Why is that? Can there be a day where i and other people like me, feel good? Yes and No I hear from the people I go for help for. No one knows how it really should be like. All we can do it hope.

Hope. Hope. And more hope. What is hope to someone with a  life just keeps on falling apart around them? There again, no one really knows. They are not you and you are not them. So how will they know how you feel or what you want a day to go like.

But that leaves the question, What Is Hope?

I've been told that's what you hold onto when your having a bad day, Or that it is something people come up with when they are braking down and there's no where to go. But what do you feel like,  day to day? Do you feel sad, mad, happy, or anything else?

If you do find out what you feel maybe then you could fix or keep how you live to that way you want it to be. Move away if where you live is not doing to for you. Go find that someone to have for your rest of your life with, or dump the one you have if they are not keeping you happy. There is a lot that you could do to keep yourself happy you just want to go out and do it.

But That's just me. Some kid with an ok life. just find what you love and show other people that you can do it with out any problems. Show people What you can do. Go out there and do what you want or just let yourself be the way you are. Just remember that no one can hold you down, your the one that is.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

My Book Part 1

"DAM IT KRISTABELL!!" Running faster, and faster. Trying to stay alive as the hole world comes after me. The same blinding light goes off in front of me, making me stop. Turning around to see the dragons, demons, Angels, and wolfs all coming at me, along with the other things. Looking back to the light knowing that was all I could to do, if I want to live. Running into the light but to have the king standing there. His blood red eyes locking in to my green ones.
"Little sis where are you going?" His could dead voice send chills down my spine as he spoke to me.Moving back, moving my hand out to my side, to have my black smoky axe appear in my hand. Spinning it as my brother as he walks to me. Walking back, and shaking my head. My black hair wipes around my face making it hard to see him. "You have something of mine that I want back sis, give my the Gate to Hell back. Set was not supposed to give it to you, it was for me,"
"NO, it was not for you. The last born was to have it, and that is me and my name is no longer Kristabell anymore, it is Fire. And when I come back I WILL be queen." Even though I know I should Never come back to this world. Even if it was supposed to be mine. He stops walking and bursts out laughing at me. My blood starts to boil with rage at him. Looking up to see a white dragon falling, with Him on its back. A smile forms on my lips, as I look back at my brother, to his cold dead eyes of red. Moving my hand to my cold necklace and polling it off from around my neck with a snap. Looking at the black dragon white is ruby eyes necklace then slamming it on the ground.
A thick black cloud appears out of the broken necklace. A shape appears in the black cloud, as the cloud disappears showing a smokey black dragon with the same ruby eyes standing there. Brother walks back and looks at the dragon as for him, with his dragon dead. As I killed her making him weaker, but not weak enough for me to kill him. Looking back up as the White dragon lands with Him getting off the back and makes a run to me, with out another thought, I than making a run to the light. The light starts to consume me, as I run into it. "FIRE!!!" No stopping for Him as I run, in to the light. Try to get away as fasts as I could.
Feeling my heart pound my black blood thought out my body, as the light starts to eat more of me. Coming to a stop in front of a purple dragon, with Her on its back. The yellow fangs dripping with a rainbow of colored blood, Her just starts at me with a look of discuss in her face. Looking back to see my black dragon getting slammed down and pined there. A sharp pain runs though my body, as the dragon gets attack by the Gray wolves. Looking down at my side to see it starting to bleed. 'I have to get out of here now!' Thinking to myself.
Taking a deep breath, and closing my dark green eyes, letting everything slip away from me. Letting my mind fall in to the black, looking for the Fire door to hell. My eyes open again, but no longer green but black as night. Looking around at all that is going on, and watching the white light fade away.
"I am sorry, that I have to do this to my world. But you give my no choice anymore, you will all have to die now." As the last to words left my mouth, it all went to hell. Walking back as my hell hound come out of nowhere, all on fire, bleeding, and bones showing. Watching them run at the other side and my brother. Sighing as I turn back to the white light, to leave this world.
Not knowing what was going to happened to Ezry, but knowing that I may live a little longer. Walking back into the fading light, my black horns, shadow wings, and my long scaly tail all going away. My weapons all vanish as well, feeling like my soul is leaving me, as I get to the Grate White Doors.
Setting my hand on the hot wooden door, and letting out a little smile. "Ready to take me away for good? Away from this world that I have send to war, over the stupid Gate to Hell. There is no need for it to stay open now." The last word hurt me the most, as I could feel the Gate could in my heart. Looking up at the White doors opening for me. Hearing the others coming after me now.
Turning around to take a last look at this world I doomed like all the others before this one that I love so. Seeing the black clouds of war, with the ground all burned and dead. Looking at the White dragon and Him for the last time. Closing my eyes letting the arms to take me away from My Home World, for the last time.
So i thought

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

class and Job helping

Its fun when one of your classes is all about Harry Potter. I do get some odd looks and questions about it, but I'm us it. Anyway, Its a really fun class when you get to watch movies for class and just talk about the Harry Potter world.

Its a fun school I go to, Skyvalle in Washington state. If there's anyone Who need a Fursuter to push your work or anything. I will love to help, even through I'm a furry, but i would love to help anyone with that. If you wan to know more, please do ask me about that.

I just lost my job and I need some money and I would like to help anyone with that. I'm a Youtuber, so I can help with that, by showing what ever anyone will do.So if anyone needs a Youtuber to do that for you I will!

                                   I'm a good Furry so please do ask!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Photo for mom? and Random Crap

       So I was thinking about how my mother is playing me to make her X-mix gift for her brother, and I said sure I would like to make it. What is it? Well it is photos of his dogs that she want me to funk up to make them cooler or just odd. hehe I like making odd and strange things. If it will help I do animation for my school, so I need the colors so I can work my magic to them. So that will be fun to do, But it is a little hard to do with school and teaching my girlfriend, a long with my boyfriend to. So I will am going to work on it when I can.

       I still am coming up with what to make with my girlfriend, she did not really tell me what she wanted me to teach her so yeah. It would be nice to have some help with my crafts I make a long with my Fursuits....... Yes I am a furry I don't really care to say I am. I have been one for a long long time, so I'm fine with Whatever you have to say to that. I also wright books, well non of them are finished But I am working on them. So that is fun to do, my boyfriend to is a furry and he does not care, my girlfriend thinks that its cool that both of us are furry!

     As you can see I am full of random crap and shit that I will go off on so yeah. All i have to say Bye